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Navigating the results list

The text at the right end of the page control bar in the results pane shows the total number of items in the results list and which of the items are shown in the current page (for example, 1 - 10 of 498). The text at the left end of the page control bar shows the total number of selected items in the results list (for example, 5 items selected). The number of items to show on each page is configurable as described in Changing the column layout.

To show the previous or next page of the results list:

To jump to the first or last page of the results list:

To refresh the results list (after a repository synchronization has just occurred, for example):

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Opening a view

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Browsing with navigation views

Searching in document properties

Searching in document content

Using the results pane

Working with scopes

Changing the column layout